Today on Only Vans we’re joined by Chris Brundrett from the award-winning William Chris Vineyards in Hye, Texas. We dig into wine-making, Texas wines, the creation of his label, and being your best self.
I’m so excited to share this episode, even though I was a tad nervous – and you can tell by the way I talk too fast. Or was it the wine that we were drinking before noon…?
Anyway, in this episode of Only Vans I talk to one of the owners of one of my absolute favorite wineries, William Chris Vineyards, Chris Brundrett. I’ve never spoken to or met this man and usually I talk on this podcast about music, so this was really branching out for me. I love their wine and I’m also a huge fan of what they stand for. It’ll be so fun in 100 or 500 years to look back (well, for other people to look back) at this episode where I’m talking to someone who has been a true pioneer in the Texas wine industry. Chris has worked really hard to authentically label Texas wines and make the laws in our state require transparency, which I do a pretty bad job at explaining, but Chris does a great job clarifying.
I think it’s fascinating that Chris wanted to learn about wine-making before he was even 21. In our chat, he details his journey into finding his true passion in life; he’s an intelligent and approachable dude. Sorry I thought horticulture was the study of horses and didn’t know what entomology was, either.
We get into the William Chris Wine Club, which is a subscription where you receive six special releases per year and will also have the first option to purchase any new wines as soon as they’re bottled. You can look into that (especially because he said they have open spots!) at But definitely go see the gorgeous tasting room when you’re in the Texas Hill Country area.
Thanks to Chris and the team gave us two really fancy wine glasses, and two incredible bottles of wine and a tour. What a great day! And thanks to our sponsors, Hand Drawn Pressing & CH Lonestar Promo!
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