Artist: Cinder Well
Hometown: Santa Barbara, California
Song: “Returning”
Album: Cadence
Release Date: April 21, 2023
Label: Free Dirt Records
In Their Words: “‘Returning’ is about going back to something you used to love — a place, or a relationship, or something you used to do that was part of your identity — and finding that the process is a lot less straightforward and a lot more painful than you expected. But it’s about accepting this spiraling nature of things, and finding the resilience and patience to see it through. Some of the lines came from the early days of the pandemic, when everyoneâs war-time quote seemed to be ‘just two weeks and then it will all return back to normal.’ But after a while the reality deeply sunk in that things werenât going back to normal, both on societal and personal levels.” — Cinder Well
Photo Credit: Georgia Zeavin