Artist: Mike Stinson & Johnny Irion
Hometown: Mike: from Virginia, living in Houston; Johnny: Berkshire, Massachusetts
Song: “Working My Way Down””
Album: Working My Way Down
Release Date: March 24, 2023
Label: Blackwing Music
In Their Words: “When Mike and I joined forces again during the pandemic to start Working My Way Down, I had no idea what would become of it, I didn’t even know if we’d get through the sessions, but some albums will take on a life of their own if you allow it to happen. This album is a homage to David Briggs and of course Mr. Andy Jones, the spirit of rock and roll, and some unfinished business Mike and I had started in LA in the late nineties. All recorded in my home on The Studer Tape Machine I moved from Jackson Browne’s studio.” — Johnny Irion
Photo Credit: Brian Barnicle