Artist: The Gina Furtado Project
Hometown: Front Royal, Virginia
Song: “The First Pebble”
Album: I Hope You Have a Good Life
Release Date: September 27, 2019
Label: Mountain Home Music Company
In Their Words: “I Hope You Have a Good Life is full of experiences of my own life that, together, amount to my pursuit of and theories on how to achieve happiness. Isn’t that the end goal for us all? The songs are my attempt at packaging these theories within common, everyday experiences of tribulation and victory. ‘The First Pebble’ is about the stunning joy of reaching rock bottom only to discover one’s own resilience and strength. It has been so empowering to slowly begin to realize that the ‘worst case scenarios’ are always incredible resources for growth. I hope ‘The First Pebble’ will remind someone of that when they need it!” — Gina Furtado
Photo credit: Sandlin Gaither