Artist: Daniel Sherrill
Hometown: Ashland, Oregon
Song: “Frosty Morning”
Album: from a heritage tree
Release Date: June 17, 2022
Label: American Standard Time Records
In Their Words: “I love the minor mystical-ness to this version of ‘Frosty Morning.’ I originally learned it from a library book, and it seems to me that this version lives more in the traditional old-timey repertoire, versus some of the newer versions that I’ve heard that flip the A and B parts. The decision to add a harmony started just as a fun way to improvise in a jam, but I liked it so much I wanted to add it to the final version. On the full album each tune has its standard melody paired with a harmony part, which makes each one almost two songs. Near our airport there’s this stack of vehicles, a mountain of color, distorted metal, and a monument to broken down cars. It’s beautiful. I called the auto-wrecking yard; they were so kind and agreed to let us shoot a video in their crush pile.” — Daniel Sherrill
Photo Credit: Gaur Groover