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WATCH: Mya Byrne, “It Don’t Fade”

Jan 12, 2023

Artist: Mya Byrne
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Song: “It Don’t Fade”
Album: Rhinestone Tomboy (produced by Aaron Lee Tasjan)
Release Date: April 28, 2023
Label: Kill Rock Stars

In Their Words: “‘It Donā€™t Fade’ came to me while walking down the street in my neighborhood in Berkeley, California, and I improvised the lyric and melody almost entirely as it is into my phone recorder. It was the height of the pandemic, and I was feeling wistful and thinking about the threads that tie us together, about my family, who I was so very far away from at that time, and my recovery, which was only a few months in ā€“ how even in our hardest moments there might be sunshine somewhere. Hope is a hard thing to find, and Iā€™ve had some hard times, but the music I make helps me get through, and this song has gotten me through so much.” — Mya Byrne

“Using my skills as a producer to help create a path for Mya to succeed was something I felt called to do in my soul. If our goal as a society is to become softer, more loving and more accepting of each other, we need artists like Mya Byrne, who possesses these qualities, to help lead us on our mission.” — Aaron Lee Tasjan

Photo Credit: Niki Pretti

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