Artist: Marcus Blacke
Hometown: Wauchope, Australia
Latest Album: Marcus Blacke
Personal Nicknames: When I was about five, I was at school one day — I played a bit of football (soccer) — and, one particular lunch hour, I had a young stroke of genius. I asked my little friends to call me “Skid Mark” because I thought it was a super-cool idea. I arrived home that afternoon to my mother who broke out in a fit of laughter and explained the situation to me.
If you had to live the life of a character in a song, which song would you choose?
“Tango Till They're Sore” by Tom Waits. Jumping out of a window with confetti in my hair seems like the best way I have ever heard someone to live life.
Where would you most like to live or visit that you haven't yet?
Probably Berlin. Of all of the countries around this area of Europe, I really love the idea of them. I’d also love to be in Norway, Holland, Sweden, Iceland, or the Netherlands. I especially would like to visit Ireland, as well.
What was the last thing that made you really mad?
Lots of things could make me mad. I try not to get mad as much as I can these days. I cried when the war in Libya began and I was really mad when our government proposed CSG gas fracking here in Queensland. I can't really take the world seriously, for the most part. I have to hide away in a refrigerator full of food.
What's the best concert you've ever attended?
I saw the Dirty Three at the Tivoli. I cried, laughed, and smiled throughout the set. It was the best live show I will ever experience.
What was your favorite grade in school?
I didn't really enjoy school. While I think it is important, I just think it could be executed in a better way.
What are you reading right now?
Kurt Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan. It's one of my favorites. I love that there is a riddle about a man locked in a hotel room with all he needs to survive. He gets by eating the dates from the calendar and drinks the water from the springs in the mattress.
Whiskey, water, or wine?
Mostly water these days. I eventually came to the conclusion it's less detrimental.
North or South?
North. This question made me think of the Lord of the Rings, for some reason. So I would be the dwarf saying North.
Pizza or tacos?
Tacos. I like pizza but tacos are just more tacoey … I made up a word.