Artist: Letitia VanSant
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Song: “I Know Just Where I’m Bound”
Album: Gut It to the Studs
Release Date: February 2, 2018
In Their Words: “When we think of the leaders of the past who helped bring more justice to the world, we tend to think of them as sure-footed, confident visionaries. But hindsight is 20/20 and, in the moment, many of them felt a great deal of doubt about what to do and whether it would work.
For instance, John Woolman, an early abolitionist who asked people to free those they had enslaved, was doing something so against the grain of the way the economy worked at the time that he couldn’t really see the way forward. If any of us want to change the way things work, we’ll have to contend with that uncertainty and proceed with faith in the face of the obstacles we’ll inevitably encounter.” — Letitia VanSant
Photo credit: Shervin Lainez