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3×3: Christian Lopez on Marty Stuart, Levon Helm, and Forrest Gump

Sep 19, 2017

Artist: Christian Lopez
Hometown: Martinsburg, WV
Latest Album: Red Arrow
Rejected Band Names: The Lix and Joe Taxi


Thanks for putting me up, @sourpatchkids! #HollywoodPatch #Sponsored

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What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended?

I was booked as the opener for Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives for a few dates and, honestly, his show blew me away. Greatest show I’ve ever seen in every aspect: musically, visually, and performance.

How many unread emails or texts currently fill your inbox?

Emails: 42,703. I need to work on my digital organization. Texts: 0

How many pillows do you sleep with?

Two, tops. Depends on if I’m alone or not.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Around 18 pairs. This is rock ‘n’ roll.

If you were going to buy a famous musician’s pair of dirty socks off of eBay, whose would you buy?

Levon Helm, without a doubt.

What’s your favorite vegetable?

Brussel Sprouts

Fate or free will?

Like Forrest Gump once said, “A little bit of both.”

Sweet or sour?

Sweet AND sour, if I can get it. Sweet, if I had to pick though.

Sunrise or sunset?

Sunrise. I’ve driven the band through the night many times and watching the sunrise is a sacred experience. Plus, I’m a morning person.

Photo credit: Robby Klein

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