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LISTEN: Bradford Loomis, “Take a Swing”

Oct 7, 2019

LISTEN: Bradford Loomis,

Artist: Bradford Loomis
Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Song: “Take a Swing”
Album: Where the Light Ends
Release Date: October 11, 2019

In Their Words: “How do we navigate through our differences? I feel like we live in a day and age where this question is becoming harder to answer. We live in a declaration culture; there are so many tools at our fingertips that allow us to plant flags on any given subject, proclaiming our values or opinions for all to see and respond in kind. I think it’s human nature to crave connection and to feel understood by others. We have access to too much information about people, yet we still don’t really know them. It’s easier than ever to dehumanize or disqualify others because of our perceived differences. There is so much more power in being vulnerable, and, through that vulnerability, the opportunity to deeply connect becomes possible. Being vulnerable can be time-consuming and even scary, but the payoff can be incredible.” — Bradford Loomis

Photo credit: Tony Hammons

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LISTEN: Bradford Loomis,
LISTEN: Bradford Loomis,