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LISTEN: Jake Leg, “Jackie”

Sep 26, 2022

Artist: Jake Leg
Hometown: Lyons, Colorado
Song: “Jackie”
Release Date: September 26, 2022

In Their Words: “‘Jackie’ is one of those songs that seemed to kind of come out of nowhere and fell out onto the page pretty quickly, which is an incredibly rare thing for me as a songwriter. I never really had much of a chance to conceptualize what the song would be about or how I wanted to tell it, it sort of just unfolded in front of me and I tried to get out of the way as best I could. For me, ‘Jackie’ explores those curious kinds of bonds we sometimes form with people, and what significance they may have in our lives whether we realize it at the time or not. In this case, the narrator is reflecting on his relationship with Jackie, seeing much of himself mirrored in her and maybe struggling a bit to come to terms with that.” — Dylan McCarthy, Jake Leg

Photo Credit: Erik Fellenstein

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