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LISTEN: Jono Manson, “Make It Through to Spring”

Mar 27, 2023

Artist: Jono Manson
Hometown: New York City (currently living in Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Song: “Make It Through to Spring”
Album: Stars Enough To Guide Me
Release Date: March 31, 2023
Label: Blue Rose

In Their Words: “The seed for this song came in the depths of last winter, during a particularly cold spell while I was bundled up, taking our dog for her morning walk. While passing along the banks of the Santa Fe river, I noticed water still flowing, under the ice. I took this as a reminder that even in the darkest days of winter new life lies waiting, under the ice, beneath the frozen ground. I wrote most of the lyric that day. I then sent what I had to my long-time collaborator George Breakfast who lives in London, and we passed it back and forth until the song was done.” — Jono Manson

Photo Credit: William Coupon

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