Artist: Unspoken Tradition
Hometown: Cherryville, North Carolina
Song: “Moments”
Release Date: May 19, 2023
Label: Mountain Home Music Company
In Their Words: “I’m so happy to be giving ‘Moments’ a second life. I originally recorded this song, written by our producer Jon Weisberger and Andy Hall of the Infamous Stringdusters, on my solo album, and in the intervening years it has grown to be one of my favorites. I think my own journey reflects the subject material — with more than a decade of hindsight, it takes on a different meaning in thinking about how fleeting time can seem, how the moments of our lives can ‘turn us all around, lift us up or knock us down.’ I’m excited for Unspoken Tradition to put our own spin on this poignant song!” — Sav Sankaran, Unspoken Tradition
Photo Credit: Sandlin Gaither