Artist: Tim Hart
Hometown: Sydney, AUS
Album: The Narrow Corner
Release Date: February 2, 2018
Label: Nettwerk
In Their Words:Ā “This record was written over about two years. Because of having to fit it in between Boy & Bear albums and touring, I recorded whenever I could and ended up playing a lot of the instruments on the album. Theme-wise, I wanted to focus on the slightly broken and hidden side of relationships rather than the sunnier, happier side. The odd one out in this sense is probably ‘All in Allā, but I think it gives a welcome rest from the slightly darker songs. Sonically, I set out to blend folk production with slightly more current instrumentationā¦blending the banjo with synth, etc. I love experimenting in the studio and my solo records give me this platform, which for The Narrow Corner I really enjoyed.” —Ā Tim Hart