Artist: Amelia White
Hometown: East Nashville by way of Boston
Song: “Free Advice”
Album: Rhythm of the Rain
In Their Words: “This song has been building up in me from years of people telling me what to change in my appearance to become more successful. ‘If you’d try to smile more onstage / shed the glasses, four eyes only worked for Lisa Loeb / You’ve got good legs, how about a skirt and some heels?’ This is some of the ‘free advice’ I’ve gotten after shows, along with more than a few warnings that Nashville is a ‘five-year town’ and women especially have a window of time to ‘make it.’ Zoom out and the tune is simply about the sad (but kinda funny too) fact that women feel the need to double-triple-check how they look before stepping into the public view. I’m hoping to provide a little tragic-comedy here to say, ‘Just be real, you are more than enough, just as you are.'” –Amelia White
Photo credit: Stacie Huckeba