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WATCH: Henhouse Prowlers, “Lead and Iron”

May 24, 2023

Artist: Henhouse Prowlers
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Song: “Lead and Iron”
Album: Lead and Iron
Release Date: May 26, 2023 (single)
Label: Dark Shadow Recording

In Their Words: “I wrote this song from the perspective of a parent who has lost a child in a school shooting. I found myself thinking about the quote that no parent should have to bury their child. That quote always hit me hard and I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing a child, especially from a school shooting, a place meant for peace and learning. I wrote this one at the end of last summer, I wonder if it was a way for myself to mentally preparing for the next school year and the potential of another deadly shooting (the potential which seems to come true every year).” – Jake Howard, mandolin

“I realized what this song was about halfway through listening to it on a rough demo Jake sent us in October last year and it immediately gave me chills. There’s something about the perspective of it all that continues to rock me when we are rehearsing it. That line about ‘first words spoken and tying shoes’ hits hard.” – Ben Wright, banjo

Photo Credit: Stephen Mougin

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