Artist: Kyshona
Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee, by way of Irmo, South Carolina
Song: “Nighttime Animal” Feat. ZG Smith
Album: The Parthenon Sessions EP
Release Date: December 1, 2022
In Their Words: “Gazing at the iconic Parthenon from the great lawn at Centennial Park is one thing. Stepping inside the Parthenon and looking up at Athena, you can’t help but open your mouth and sing. You can still sense the echoes of music, laughter, and whispers that rang through the room before and it calls you to add your own unique voice to the ghost choir. When ZG, Maureen [Murphy], Nickie [Conley], and I hit the first chorus together, we couldn’t help but smile at the beauty and awe of what echoed back to us. A writing session with Zack (ZG) is one of my favorite things to see on my calendar. Not only is it always a good hang with a friend, it’s also a treat to create with such a great lyricist. He’s truly a poet with the pen. Performing this song together is super special because it always brings me joy to harmonize with friends and artists that I respect.” — Kyshona
Image Courtesy of Justin Tam