Artist: Tré Burt
Hometown: Sacramento, California
Song: “What Good” (Live From the French Quarter)
Album: Caught It From the Rye
Label: Oh Boy Records
In Their Words: “A really good friend of mine confided in me about a recent falling out she had had with her best friend since childhood. I guess that’s what started me writing the song, at least the first verse, then I got thinking about impermanence, time and how it (time) is like a vehicle that everyone is traveling on together. The jet plane, steamboat, race car references… On a beautiful sunny day in New Orleans in January we took a walk with the folks from Northern Cowboy films (UK) around the French Quarter and found a spot we all felt good about. The homeowner was happy and gracious to let us film outside his house. Traffic on foot, car and horse all slowed down to see what we were up to and stopped to listen too.” — Tré Burt