Artist: Jay Cobb Anderson (of Fruition)
Hometown: Lewiston, ID
Latest Album: Holehearted Fools
Nicknames: J, Jake, Jay Cobb
Your house is burning down and you can grab only one thing — what would you save?
I live in a van, but if I did have a house, it would have my old archtop guitar from the 1930s in it … which would be what I'd grab.
If you weren't a musician, what would you be?
How many unread emails or texts currently fill your inbox?
Over 100
What is the one thing you can’t survive without on tour?
Clean socks
If you had to get a tattoo of someone's face, who would it be?
Jimi Hendrix or Jeff Buckley
Who is your favorite superhero?
The Simpsons or South Park?
The Simpsons
Dolly or Loretta?
Meat lover's or veggie?
Meat lover's
Photo credit: Brian Spady