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3×3: David Olney on Breathing Air, Talking Dogs, and Loving Pickles

Mar 9, 2017

Artist: David Olney
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Latest Album: Donā€™t Try to Fight It
Personal Nicknames: Your Holy Eminence

If you could go back (or forward) to live in any decade, when would you choose?


Who would be your dream co-writer?

William Shakespeare or Daffy Duck

If a song started playing every time you entered the room, what would you want it to be?

ā€œPomp and Circumstanceā€ or ā€œHail to the Chiefā€

What is the one thing you canā€™t survive without on tour?


What are you most afraid of?

Talking dogs

Who is your favorite superhero?

The Hulk

Pickles or olives?


Which primary color is the best — blue, yellow, or red?


Summer or Winter?


Photo credit: John Partipilo

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