Last weekend, in conversation with our dear friends The Steep Canyon Rangers prior to their Sunday night show, guitarist Woody [Platt] asked what I was doing next February. Well, conveniently, my schedule is completely open (amazing, I know), but what exactly would I have to plan for so far in advance?
How about the biggest bluegrass festival ever held at sea, hosted by The Steeps, and featuring so many other amazing groups like Del McCoury Band, Tim O’Brien, Bryan Sutton, Kruger Brothers, and the just announced Punch Brothers.
Basically, from February 1-4 they’re filling a luxury cruiseliner with artists and fans alike, sailing to the Bahamas (departing from Miami) and PLAYING BLUEGRASS ALL THE TIME. Admittedly, I have not taken an actual vacation in about four years (if you don’t count those three days in Vegas…..), so this sounds like a perfect combination to me…
The Rangers explain, ‘Thereâs something special that happens when a group of artists who share a passion for their music and a community of like-minded fans gather together to journey aboard one ship.’
ANNND… if you should decide to book your cabin soon, you’ll be eligible to win a customized Martin Guitar. Not a bad cruise amenity… (oh, and that lineup? not so bad either…).
To get more info or book your spot, be sure to check! It’s gonna be bluegrass and beaches and a whole boatload of fun (too much?? sorry couldn’t resist…).