Artist: Cascade Crescendo
Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Song: “Fly in the Window”
Album: Chasing the Sun
Release Date: February 15, 2019
In Their Words: “‘Fly in the Window’ paints a picture of what it feels like to slow down your thoughts and tune into your surroundings. Although the song was written with kite-flying in mind, at its core it is about meditation of any kind. The lyrics were meant for open interpretation by the listener but do hold true to anyone with a kite in hand. The feeling throughout the song changes from high-energy, thoughtful instrumentation to a place where the listener can feel a state of weightlessness, flying above life’s everyday stresses. This song gives a glimpse into the many different feelings a listener can expect when listening to the whole album, Chasing the Sun. “Fly in the Window” is one of several tracks on the album that feature Allie Kral (Yonder Mountain String Band) on fiddle. –Aden Beck, Cascade Crescendo
Photo credit: Jonny Brandt