Artist: Chris Haddox
Hometown: Morgantown, West Virginia
Song: “Streets of Danville”
Album: Chris Haddox
Release Date: March 25, 2022
In Their Words: “Years ago I was on a job in Danville, West Virginia, for a week of tree-planting on a mountaintop removal site. We’d be up at sunrise, head to the jobsite, plant trees all day long, get back to the Park Avenue motel, have a meal, play some tunes, then hit the bed. Once it was lights out, however, I tossed and turned until eventually getting up and wandering around the dark and quiet streets of the town in the wee hours of the morning until I was finally tired enough to get to sleep, only to be up and at it again in a few short hours. Fortunately, the boss was a good friend and didn’t can me when I got a little tired towards the end of each day’s shift!” — Chris Haddox
Photo Credit: Amelia Haddox