Artist: ClayBank
Hometown: Claybank, North Carolina, and Southern Virginia
Song: “Dreamer”
Album: Road Signs and Highways
Release Date: July 26, 2019
Label: Mountain Fever Records
In Their Words: “Jamie Harper and I heard ‘Dreamer’ a long time ago by a great band in our region. Sometime after, I texted Shannon Slaughter, who’s a great songwriter, about songs and ‘Dreamer’ was in the batch he sent me. I hadn’t thought about it much until we were looking for material for this new album, but when I shared it with the band, all the guys loved it and thought it fit the style we’re going for. We all love the positive message. In bluegrass there’s a lot of killing and prison themed songs — and we love playing them — but it’s really cool to have a song with a positive message every now and then. I hope everyone enjoys it.” — Jason Davis, Banjo, ClayBank
Photo credit: Kady D Photography