Artist: Izaak Opatz
Hometown: Missoula, Montana
Song: “Mag-Lev Train”
Album: Extra Medium
Release Date: April 29, 2022
Label: Mama Bird Recording Co.
In Their Words: “‘Mag-Lev Train’ describes one really great night I had outside of Yucca Valley, California, when I connected with someone in a way I hadn’t in a long time. You know how when you’re in your mid-30s and single you doubt you’ll ever feel that hot belly cauldron feeling of mutual attraction and excitement ever again? Yeah, me neither. But anyway, the feeling just slid into place with this person and we stayed up all night talking, even ended up on a porch swing looking at the stars. It was such a blissful comfort to re-enter that part of myself, to know it was still there. I wrote the song after the relationship ended, but spent so much time focusing on all the little details from that night that I started to think about how the end of the relationship was embedded somewhere in that first wonderful night, almost like the invisible virus released at the end of the movie 12 Monkeys. So that’s the out-of-place E minor chord at the very end.” — Izaak Opatz
Photo Credit: Kendall Rock