Artist: Nick Fallon Weitzenfeld
Hometown: Floyd, Virginia
Song: “no.”
Album: shuttered blind
Release Date: November 18, 2022
Label: Fallon Records
In Their Words: “This song might be considered the crazy uncle of the EP. It’s a nugget of simple poppy-silliness in the midst of much more serious pieces. ‘no.’ is about ghosting and all its relatives, both from the perspective of the ghoster and the ghostee. Whether it’s completely cutting contact with a romantic prospect, slowly falling out of communication with a friend, or just not responding to a potential plan, my generation is in the midst of a decency crisis when it comes to our online interactions. We might be too connected for our own good, unable to set boundaries and have challenging conversations with our peers. A song for the youth to chew on, perhaps π ” — Nick Fallon Weitzenfeld
Photo Credit: Joy Robbins