Artist: Son of Cloud
Hometown: Macon, Georgia
Song: “Who Could Ask For More”
Album: Son of Cloud
Release Date: April 12, 2019
Label: Mason Jar Music
In Their Words: “I wrote this song as a high school graduation present for my younger sister, Jenni. I tried to play it at a family celebration but couldn’t make it through because I got too choked up. Then I tried again at her wedding five years later with only marginally more success. We grew up singing together as a family. That’s her singing harmony on the recording. The day we tracked the song at Mason Jar Music Studios in Brooklyn, a swarm of cicadas gathered outside the control room window just like they used to in Macon, Georgia, where we went to high school together. I stuck a microphone out the window and put it on the record. That was the first and last time I’ve heard cicadas in the area.” — Jonathan Seale, Son of Cloud
Photo credit: Katrina Sorrenti