Artist: Kris Ulrich
Hometown: Winnipeg, Canada
Song: β1994″
Album: Big in the USA
Release Date: March 31, 2023
Label: Birthday Cake Records
In Their Words: “I wrote this song after coming home from a night at my parents’ house watching old video tapes of us as kids. I specifically recall a scene of my brother and sister twirling around our living room laughing, wearing clothes my mom had sewn for them. Watching these videos with my parents at about the same age they were in the videos really made me think about how they were feeling at that time in their lives. What did they feel like watching it now? Writing ‘1994’ felt really cathartic and it kind of poured out of me. I wanted the song to feel like a warm embrace, like you were being enveloped by it.” — Kris Ulrich
Photo Credit: Adam Kelly