Artist: Snaarmaarwaar
Hometown: Maria-Aalter, Belgium
Song: “Fugenzo”
Album: LYS
Release Date: March 24, 2023
Label: Trad Records
In Their Words: “‘Fugenzo’ is a track from our brand new (4th) album LYS. Every year, it’s such a relief to see the coming out of the first fugenzos, the cherry blossoms that herald the end of winter with their extravagant popping colours. In this video we are playing the tune live during our album release show in Studio Trad. The very place where the album was recorded several months earlier. It was a great experience to play our music there with a live audience and we were happy to capture the atmosphere and to share it with you.” — Snaarmaarwaar
Photo Credit: Mirjam Devriendt