Artist: Cindy Wasserman & Frank Lee Drennen (of Dead Rock West)
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Latest Album: It's Everly Time!
Your house is burning down and you can grab only one thing — what would you save?
Cindy: Lou the Pug
Frank: My Gibson Nick Lucas acoustic
If you weren't a musician, what would you be?
Cindy: A world traveller or a famous actor … or maybe a beekeeper
Frank: A painter
How many unread emails or texts currently fill your inbox?
Cindy: Way too many — over 100,000
Frank: About a thousand
What is the one thing you can’t survive without on tour?
Cindy: Essential oils and a curling iron
Frank: A film camera
If you had to get a tattoo of someone's face, who would it be?
Cindy: Lou the pug
Frank: My brother Andy
Who is your favorite superhero?
Cindy: Captain America
Frank: Ant-Man
The Simpsons or South Park?
Cindy: The Simpsons
Frank: South Park
Dolly or Loretta?
Cindy: Loretta
Frank: Dolly
Meat lover's or veggie?
Cindy: veggie
Frank: MEAT