Artist: Honey Island Swamp Band
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Latest Album: Demolition Day
Rejected Band Names: Honey Island Swamp Bitches
Who would play you in the Lifetime movie of your life?
The Rolling Stones
If money were no object, where would you live and what would you do?
Where wouldn't I live? What would't I do?
If the After-Life exists, what song will be playing when you arrive?
Depends on whether it's heaven or hell. Marley, if it's heaven. Spice Girls, if it's hell.
How often do you do laundry?
What's this "L" word?
What was the last movie that you really loved?
I'd watch the new Star Wars a second time.
What's your favorite TV show?
Seinfeld. We're old school.
Morning person or night owl?
Definitely night owl.
Who is your favorite Sanders — Bernie or Colonel?
We're Popeye's men. Bernie.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee. Clearly.