Artist: Renée Wahl & Sworn Secrets
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Latest Album: Sworn Secrets
Personal Nicknames: Riff, Riff Randall, R “Dub”, Dub
What song do you wish you had written?
Wow, that’s a tough one … I’m gonna go with “Into the Mystic” by Van Morrison. Such a beautiful song, lyrically and melodically. Always takes me to some faraway place when I hear it.
If money were no object, where would you live and what would you do?
I would still have my farm outside of Nashville in Lebanon as a home base. It’s so open and relaxing. But I’d travel everywhere and play music. Whenever, wherever!
If the After-Life exists, what song will be playing when you arrive?
"Angel" by Elvis Presley. I think that’s appropriate! Or “Where Is My Mind” by the Pixies. That would work, too.
How often do you do laundry?
Hmmmm, when I run out of clothes, sheets, or towels — whichever comes first.
What was the last movie that you really loved?
Again, so many movies I love. I will say Frailty. It’s a bit older, but an extraordinary movie. It takes place in Texas. It’s very dark, lots of twists and turns … great acting, fantastic storyline. Certainly an underrated movie, in my opinion.
If you could re-live one year of your life, which would it be and why?
I guess it depends on if I knew I was reliving it … if so, this year (2016). My mom passed away in July, and I would love to have been more present in the time I spent with her.
What's your favorite culinary spice?
Cayenne Pepper … flavorful and great for a sore throat!
Morning person or night owl?
Not a morning person. For sure a night owl. Though I can’t quite seem to stay awake as late as I used to …
Coffee or tea?
Hands down, tea. I don’t drink coffee much anymore, but I can’t go a day without a cup of hot tea. There are some pretty cool tea places in Nashville, like Aromagregory.