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3×3: The White Buffalo on Beaches, Baggage, and BB Guns

Oct 18, 2017

3x3: The White Buffalo on Beaches, Baggage, and BB Guns

Artist: The White Buffalo
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Latest Album: Darkest Darks, Lightest Lights 
Personal Nicknames: The Buff, Buffalo, Snacks, Hawk

Shooting a video for Avalon!! 📸 @svitak #thewhitebuffalo #avalon #darkestdarkslightestlights

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If you had to live the life of a character in a song, which song would you choose?

“Heart and Soul of the Night” off the new album. I’d love to live in a perpetual state of the joy and exhilaration of the weekend. Living life to the fullest extreme.

Where would you most like to live or visit that you haven’t yet?

Somewhere remote on a beach with waves and cold beer. Maybe Nicaragua or Fiji.

What was the last thing that made you really mad?

Last time I flew Spirit Airlines. I purchased three one-way tickets for the band for $120, and they hit me with $500 in baggage fees.

If you had to get a tattoo of someone’s face, who would it be?

I have no tattoos, which is rare these days. I’d get my son’s beaming face, if I ever went there.

Whose career do you admire the most?

Bob Dylan. Ever changing but always being himself. His ability to continue to produce relevant music over such a long career is inspiring.  The idea that the window of creativity doesn’t have to close.

What are you reading right now?

The Stranger by Albert Camus

Berlin!!! #thewhitebuffalo #berlinwall

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Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I’m up and down and play the introvert and extrovert at times. Life’s a roller coaster.

What’s your favorite culinary spice?

Cilantro. Mexican food wouldn’t be the same without it.

What was your favorite childhood toy?

Red rider BB gun. My brother and I used to take turns shooting and dodging bbs. Surprisingly no injuries.

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3x3: The White Buffalo on Beaches, Baggage, and BB Guns
3x3: The White Buffalo on Beaches, Baggage, and BB Guns