Artist: Raina Rose
Hometown: Austin, Texas
song: “One One Thousand”
Album: Vesta
Release Date: January 31, 2020
Label: Folk Potions
In Their Words: “I woke with a start at midnight, mid-fall in south Austin, Texas; I forgot to take the garbage to the curb. My husband and our two boys were long since asleep, muttering the proof of their dreams. I walked outside to a bright full moon, a soft but constant wind moving the leaves, and an electrical storm on the horizon. I stood out there in the glistening night until the storm moved into our neighborhood. I walked back inside and wrote this song in bed.
“My sixth studio album, Vesta, will be released January 31, 2020. This collection of 10 songs written during the past six years explore the common miracle of matrescence. Vesta, the Roman goddess of the Hearth, is the keeper of the flame as well as the embodiment of the flame itself. She is the knowledge that sex, motherhood, and family are one and the same.” — Raina Rose
Photo credit: Hunter Paye