Kenneth Pattengale and Joey Ryan from the Milk Carton Kids are back with another episode of their socially distant video show, Sad Songs Comedy Hour. In their 17th episode, they bring on Watchhouse’s Andrew Marlin and Emily Frantz for an insightful conversation about all things. From the election and life in isolation to creating in stressful times, these four provide some interesting food for thought. As the show name would infer, there’s the odd joke here and there, but the episode concludes with a beautiful collaboration on Watchhouse’s “Wildfire.”
The hosting duo says, “We FINALLY got our act together to sing with Emily and Andrew, and it was worth the wait. Great talk too, as they’re deep thinkers, generous players, incisive songwriters. Hope we didn’t ruin their ‘Wildfire’ tune. As always, please support NIVA — the National Independent Venue Association — because they’re supporting all of us.”
Like a beloved book or your favorite podcast, Sad Songs Comedy Hour will surely put a smile on your face and glow with warmth and familiarity. Check out the new episode, and hear their collaborative version of “Wildfire” below.
Editor’s Note: This post has been updated to include Mandolin Orange’s new band name, Watchhouse.