Artist: The Ghost of Paul Revere
Hometown: Portland, Maine
Song: “Diving Bell”
Album: Good at Losing Everything
Release Date: August 28, 2020
Label: GOPR Records
In Their Words: “‘Diving Bell’ was written to process a painful decision made with best intent. At the time I was struggling with partnership, and more honestly, the general concept of connectivity. It was around this period that I heard Nate DiMeo’s historical narrative on the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge called “Below, From Above.” His piece, inspired by David McCullough’s The Great Bridge, put a humanistic element on the lengths we can go to, physically and metaphorically, to bridge gaps. I became fixated on the idea that the most grueling and necessary work to complete that connection, was done in a vacuum, at the bottom of the East River.” — Max Davis, The Ghost of Paul Revere
Photo credit: Lauryn Hottinger