Artist: Sonya Kitchell
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Latest Album: We Come Apart
Personal Nicknames: None
Who would play you in the Lifetime movie of your life?
A young Meryl Streep would be pretty rad.
If money were no object, where would you live and what would you do?
I would live on the Southern coast of Spain or Italy and do exactly what I do, but visit the sea daily.
If the After-Life exists, what song will be playing when you arrive?
“Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” Bob Dylan
What brand of toothpaste do you use?
Weleda Salt Toothpaste
What was the last movie that you really loved?
Wild Tales
What's your favorite TV show?
Either Arrested Development or True Detective (first season of both)
Morning person or night owl?
Johnny or Willie?
Coffee or tea?