Artist: Elliah Heifetz
Hometown: New York City
Song: “Keep the Grass in the Ground”
Album: First Generation American
Release Date: April 1, 2022
In Their Words: “Written within a week of John Prine’s passing, ‘Keep the Grass in the Ground’ is a tonal ode to one of my biggest heroes. I’ve learned so much about life and how to best live it from John’s lyrics, advice I wish I’d heard as a kid… so this song is basically an imagined conversation where I’m giving my younger self that advice. The thought is, we should follow our instincts, pursue our dreams and urges, open our hearts, let the tears fall when they come, and take the risks we need to. But never, ever at the expense of anyone else. It’s important to appreciate beauty, and just as important to know when to leave it be. I start every chorus with: ‘Take a stone, throw it; take a leaf, blow it; take a drive when the night sky’s good n’ glowing; Aw, but never grab a smile and pull it down.’” — Elliah Heifetz
Photo Credit: Angelina Castillo