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WATCH: Amy Ray, “A Mighty Thing” (Feat. Sarah Jarosz)

Aug 12, 2022


Artist: Amy Ray
Hometown: Decatur, Georgia
Song: “A Mighty Thing” (Feat. Sarah Jarosz)
Album: If It All Goes South
Release Date: September 16, 2022
Label: Daemon Records

In Their Words: “One of my favorite moments from recording my new record, If It All Goes South, was the night we recorded ‘A Mighty Thing.’ My band and I were recording live to tape in Nashville, and it was not only the last day of our recording session but the last four hours. The virtuosic Sarah Jarosz showed up after flying home from a gig; she came straight to the studio from the airport, mandolin in hand. We popped her into an iso booth and all got into our positions and did about seven takes. Then we picked our favorite, recorded her harmonies, and the song was ready to mix. It was an appropriate whirlwind recording experience to go along with the punkabilly nature of the music and lyrics for this song.

“The best line I have heard recently from a preacher, was at a funeral for a friend up in North Georgia. The preacher was so excited about Jesus, and in his evangelizing about Jesus, he kept saying over and over, ‘Folks, you can’t beat that deal.’ I grew up in the church and this was one of the most convincing moments I have ever experienced, the sheer charisma, the glory. But then in the afterglow, I thought of all my self-loathing and years of healing I needed to get past the negative parts of my church life. But, I will never lose hold of the positive things, and all the teachers that taught me about the true gospel of love in every aspect of my life. One thing I know for sure, fear is what keeps us apart, and this song is all about that, too.” — Amy Ray

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